经过:Eric DeoLiveira,产品经理
经过:John Girard,Ashcroft领土销售经理
经过:John Girard,Ashcroft领土销售经理
经过:Joana RodRigues.
在轮胎制造过程中,有几个过程和检查必须在成品轮胎可以滚动装配线之前进行。在硫化器中,液压系统通常用于轮胎固化过程中。这些系统从硫化器的多个部分电源从模制轮胎以在固化后将轮胎转移到下一步。由于原料轮胎橡胶模塑成一个与其最终状态紧密相似的形状,轮胎固化压力机使用蒸汽产生的热量以及将轮胎塑造成其最终形式的压力。因此,对于操作者的安全至关重要,使得蒸汽和压力从硫化剂的固化压力机被抽空。Ashcrofft E2G通用压力传感器是本申请的理想选择以及许多类似于硫化的应用。The reason is that the E2G pressure transducer utilizes Ashcroft’s proven sensor technology to provide a transducer with an accurate and repeatable output in a package that is designed to provide long life and durability — making for a reliable transducer that will assure the operational safety of your system. In the case of this specific application, which comes with its own set of unique challenges, you will need a sensor that meets all the requirements of the application. The E2G general-purpose transducer provides: Proven Ashcroft sensor technology providing a promise of reliability and durability A stable and repeatable output, which is critical for safety and process control. External calibration of the offset and span readings, allowing you to calibrate the sensor for your particular system. The features of the E2G pressure transducer are designed to meet even the toughest requirements such as the elevated temperature which is known to cause extreme offset and span errors. These errors can negatively impact the pressure reading from the transducer leading to inaccurate measurement. The E2G is compensated over a wide temperature range (-40°C to 125°C) which minimizes the effects of temperature and helps to provide a reliable reading. Tire curing is just one of several applications that will benefit from our new E2G transducer. We’ll cover more in this series of blogs, with the next installment coming soon to Ashcroft.com. We have plenty more information available on the E2G and its specifications.
经过:Joana RodRigues.
鉴于对全球气候变化和臭氧层耗尽的日益关注,氨和其他天然制冷剂是一种有吸引力的选择,可以更换制冷和冷却系统中有效的温室气体。然而,氨的高腐蚀性和毒性为系统设计师和工程师带来了重大挑战。即使是最小的泄漏也可以危及工人或设施。这就是为什么客户需要可靠和准确的压力传感器在维护系统完整性方面发挥关键作用。氨通常与最常用于流体容器和管道中的湿润物质,尤其是铜或铜合金等润湿材料不相容。因此,设计用于处理氨的系统需要用合适的材料构成每个湿润的部件,例如不锈钢。此外,可能会导致组件故障和遏制漏洞,从而允许有毒的氨逃到周围环境。Ashcroft的新型E2G换能器专为氨而设计的挑战性应用。采用全焊接316L不锈钢制成,可抵抗氨的腐蚀性,使E2G完全兼容基于氨的系统。这是对氨制冷剂的Ashcroft的压力表的完美补充。 The E2G is available in absolute, gauge and vacuum-based pressure ranges. The E2G has been designed for maximum reliability through extensive testing and it is 100% leak tested to guarantee its integrity in your application. Every Ashcroft transducer is custom made to meet your application requirements. Contact us to help specify the best configuration for your application.